What Happens to Your Body When You Sit 8+ Hours a Day — And How To Fix it

What Happens to Your Body When You Sit 8+ Hours a Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Sit 8+ Hours a Day

— And How To Fix it

By Dominic Pereira

Since the start of 2020’s chaos, most of us had no other choice but to adapt to the “lockdown lifestyle” which caused us to sit even more! Can you still call it a lifestyle if you sit glued to your desk for eight hours and then onto the couch, binge-watching your favourite series for another four! Yes, an unhealthy lifestyle.

We know working for eight hours (or more) a day is unavoidable for most and sometimes it’s what you need to crush your career goals. We also understand that during the initial part of lockdown, some felt they could only watch Netflix the entire day as a form of entertainment. But have you ever taken a step back and thought about the negative impact it has on your body?

Our bodies aren’t meant to be in a seated position for extended periods. Sitting for so long can increase your risks of type 2 diabetes or heart disease. Don’t worry, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting diabetes, but all the sitting isn’t helping your body in any way.

Want to hear some good news? According to The Mayo Clinic, “60 to 75 minutes of moderately intense physical activity a day countered the effects of too much sitting.” Now there’s no excuse to skip out on that Pilates class again. There’s nothing a few “desitting” exercises can’t fix!

What Happens to Your Body When You Sit 8+ Hours a Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Sit 8+ Hours a Day | Neck pain

1. Cardiovascular Issues

According to WebMD, sitting too much can cause your brain to look similar to that of a person with dementia. It can also raise your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

How can you be at risk of diabetes from sitting too much? When you sit for extended periods, the cells in your body don’t respond well enough to the insulin your pancreas produces, thus causing your pancreas to produce more insulin.

2. Weak Muscles & Muscle Degeneration

Sitting too long can bring all sorts of problems. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weak legs and glutes (muscle atrophy), tight hips (when you sit, your hip flexors shorten), and a possibility of developing hyperlordosis — a condition where there’s an excessive spine curvature in the lower back.

Since most of us have bad posture, too much sitting can wreak havoc on your back. Having poor posture can lead to premature disc degeneration, resulting in chronic pain.

Investing in a standing desk or ergonomic chair might help you stand more.

3. Increased Anxiety and Stress

Not only can sitting too much cause physical issues but mental ones as well. According to a study done by HealthDay News, people who spend long hours sitting are more likely to feel anxious.

“The findings, researchers said, do not prove that sitting in front of a TV or computer causes anxiety. For one, it’s possible that anxiety-prone people choose to be sedentary.” But being sedentary can definitely contribute to negative emotions whereas movement that creates blood flow and endorphins to be released, together with fresh air always create a sense of wellbeing. Our mantra: “the only workout you regret is the one you DIDN’T do.”

4. Increased Cancer Risk

According to a study done by Dr David Dunstan, a sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of lung cancer by 54%, uterine cancer by 66%, and colon cancer by 30%.

5. Varicose Veins

Sitting for long periods can literally start to show its effects on your body via varicose veins (or spider veins — much smaller veins). The condition is caused by blood by pooling in your legs.

Although varicose veins aren’t harmful, these swollen veins can lead to Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or deep vein blood clots. Read more about DVT here.

6. Strain in Neck, Back, and Shoulders

Since you’re hunched over your computer 90% of the time, it can cause considerable postural strain in your upper body which can lead to many other issues like headaches.

Keep in Mind

According to WebMD, it’s possible to undo all your hard work at the gym if you work out for two hours but sit the rest of the day.

That doesn’t mean you should give up on exercise or movement! This should only lead you to move more and sit less.

The Exercises You Need to Do If You Sit All Day


Yoga can really help stretch out and strengthen those weak and strained muscles. There’s a yoga pose for everything! And the breathwork and mindful movement create a sense of wellbeing.


Pilates might help you develop a strong core, according to popular belief, but this popular workout does so much more than that. You’ll be able to strengthen your glutes, legs, back, shoulders, and all the other muscles affected by sitting. And it helps you develop a keen sense of body awareness.


Try to stand up and take a quick walk every hour. It doesn’t need to be around the block, simply walking around the house will suffice! And try to stand up every 20 minutes and do some basic stretches for two or three minutes.

Exercises to Try

Doing the below exercises daily, can help “reset” your body after a long day at work or on the couch.

Warmups to Try

Walking in Place or in a Circle

Stand upright and start lifting your knees, as if walking in one place. You can either walk in one position or turn in a circle.

Calf Raises with Quick Jumps

Start by doing a few calf raises for about 30 seconds. This will really help warm up your calves and pump your blood back up to the rest of your body. After 30 seconds, lightly bounce up and down, landing softly on your feet. Keep your knees slightly bent to protect your knees from the impact. You want to feel “springy” and elastic as you bounce.

While jumping, shake out your wrists to warm them up for the rest of the exercises.

Glute Warm Up

  1. Start by standing on your left leg, knee slightly bent, and lift your right leg up in line with your hip.
  2. Slowly extend your right leg to the back without letting your feet touch the floor.
  3. Bring your right leg back up and repeat on this side for about 20 seconds.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Single and Double Leg Bridges

Double Leg Bridge | Photo Credit: Women’s Health
Single leg bridge
Single Leg Bridge | Photo Credit: moveOn 89 Studio

Single or double leg bridges are great for engaging the largest glute muscle called the gluteus maximus (Shown as B in the graphic below) as well as the hamstrings.

gluteus maximus illustration
Photo Credit: Aloha Hands

How to do a Double Leg Bridge:
Start on your back, laying flat on the floor.
Bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. Try to place your feet as close to your glutes as possible without arching your back. (Optional: Add a rolled up towel between your knees to activate your adductors (inner thighs).)
Start by doing two spine or pelvic curls to mobilise your spine: Tuck your tailbone and slowly peel your pelvis off the floor and then peel your spine off the mat bone by bone.
Keep your tailbone tucked and your chest low. Squeeze the towel and relax the muscles in your face.
Slowly lower back down to the floor, bone by bone again.
The bridge: now keep your pelvis neutral and simply lift your hips and ribs in one movement to form a bridge, keeping shoulder blades down.
Lower pelvis and ribs as one unit to the mat.
Repeat for 12 reps.

For an added burn
After doing 12 reps of glute bridges, remain at the top and lift and lower your heels.
Keep squeezing your towel and your glutes as you do the calf raises.

Dead Bug

No animals were harmed during this exercise!

Although the name sounds strange, the dead bug is an amazing stabilising exercise that focuses on your core muscles.

How to perform the Dead Bug:
Start on the floor by laying on your back.
Raise your arms to the ceiling hands above your chest.
Bend your knees at 90 degrees bringing your knees above your hips.
Keeping your core engaged, slowly extend your left leg until it’s straight while extending your right arm above your head.
Bring your arm and leg back to the starting position, and repeat on your right leg and left arm.
Once you’ve completed both sides, that’s one rep. Alternate for 12 reps in total.

High Plank with Knee-hover / 4-Point Kneeling Hover

High Plank with Knee-hover
Photo Credit: Popsugar

Have you ever heard the term “If you think a minute goes by really fast, then you’ve never done a plank.” Although many people tremble at the thought of doing a plank, this exercise is an amazing full-body exercise.

How to do a High Plank with Knee-hover:
Prep: Hovering Knees: Start on all fours, hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Engage your core and hover your knees just off the mat, spine neutral.
Hold for 5 breaths. Progress to full version: start in high plank with hands under shoulder and legs stretched out.
Take a deep breath in and sit back without your knees just off the floor, same as “hovering knees”.
Inhale then straighten back into a plank.
Complete 3 sets with 4 reps each.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

If done correctly, this stretch is the perfect movement to target your hip flexors. Sitting for extended periods causes your hip flexors to shorten, making them feel tight and inhibiting functional movement at the hip joint.

How to do a Hip Flexor Stretch:
Start by kneeling on the floor.
Step your right foot out in front of you, keep your hands on your hips, tuck your tail under and squeeze your left glute.
Slowly start to press your hips forward (only as far as you can, don’t force it).
Try to hold each stretch for 20 seconds.


The cat-cow stretch is ideal for stretching both your back muscles and abdominal muscles. It’s also great for opening up your chest.

How to do the Cat-Cow:
Start on your hands and knees, shoulders above your wrists, hips above your knees.
Inhale and lift your chin and chest to gaze forward while lifting your sitting bones to gently arch your lower back.
Exhale and draw your belly in and round your back to the ceiling into a long c-curve.
Continue the movement for 10 breaths.

Bird Dog

This move might seem confusing at first, but practising slowly, in the beginning, will ensure you alternate your hands and legs without a problem. The bird dog move activates your sling patterns and strengthens your pelvic and shoulder girdles.

How to do the Bird Dog:
Start on all fours, ensuring your core is engaged and your back isn’t arching.
Keeping your core engaged, extend your right arm overhead with your thumb pointing to the ceiling while simultaneously extending your left, toes pointed towards the floor.
Place your hand and leg back on the floor and repeat on the other side.
Do this exercise slowly to ensure you’re not rotating your hips.

Seated Windscreen Wipers

Windscreen wipers are the ideal exercise to restore your range of motion by opening up your hips and improving hip mobility.

How to do Windscreen Wipers:
Start by sitting on the floor, your legs open with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your back and lean slightly backwards.
Slowly roll your pelvis and knees to the left. As you do this, open up your chest and rotate your head and chest left.
Slowly roll back to the starting position.
Repeat on the right.
Continue rolling left and right for 30 seconds.

Side Leg Raises

Side leg raises have numerous benefits including improving range of motion in your hips, waking up muscles that are “asleep” from sitting too long, and helping to stabilise your body.

How to do Side Leg Raises:
Lay down on your left side on the mat, with your left knee bent and your arm underneath your head. Place your right hand behind your head, elbow pointed to the ceiling.
Simply lift your right leg and point your toes.
Lift your leg 10 times.

For an added burn:
After completing 10 leg raises, rotate your leg externally at the hip joint, point your toes up 45 degrees.
Slowly bring your right knee and right elbow together and let them “connect”. Then “disconnect” by straightening your arm and leg.
Repeat this motion for 10 reps.
Once complete, repeat everything on your left side.

Shoulder W’s

Shoulder W’s
Photo Credit: Ace Fitness

Shoulder W’s are another effective movement for your back.

How to do Shoulder W’s:
Start by laying on the floor with your arms at your sides, knees bent.
Bring your arms up, palms facing the ceiling until your hands are next to your head.
Lift your arms and hands slightly until it’s hovering above the floor.
Slowly straighten your arms until you’re forming a W, then bring them back down, almost touching your hips.
Repeat for 12 reps.

Seated Glute Stretch/Figure of Four

A seated hip stretch is an amazing move to stretch and open your hips.

How to do a Figure Four Stretch:
Start by laying on your back.
Place your left foot over your right knee, place your hands behind your right knee and gently pull toward your chest.
Hold that stretch for 10 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Other Tips to Keep in Mind

Try to stand up and walk around every 30 minutes.
When you’re watching TV or talking on your phone, stand up and walk around.
Walk around or do exercises while you wait for advertisements to finish when you’re watching TV.
See if your work can organise standing desks for employees.
Suggest walking around during quick meetings with other employees.


Live Online Pilates, Yoga, Stretch and HIIT Classes with moveOn 89

Turn your living room into a yoga or Pilates studio with our Zoom live-streaming classes! We offer classes from beginner to advanced level during lockdown.

To join our classes, simply visit our Schedule page to choose a time that works for you and book!

Understanding Fascia: What it is, Types & How to Keep it Healthy

Understanding Fascia: What it is, Types & How to Keep it Healthy

Understanding Fascia:

What it is, Types & How to Keep it Healthy

By Dominic Pereira

Fascia is one of the buzzwords currently floating around in the fitness industry among both instructors and fitness enthusiasts.

What exactly is fascia? Why is everyone suddenly talking about it and why is it so important to have healthy fascia?

What is Fascia?

Fascia, pronounced fah-sha, is connective tissue found beneath your skin, formed in bands which encloses and separates your muscles, bones, organs, cells, and blood vessels. The connective tissue helps your body’s muscles move freely with other parts in your body, like bone, and ensure friction is reduced. It’s almost like scaffolding for a building, but instead of bricks and other components, your fascial network is more flexible. You could say that fascia holds our bodies together.

“The fascia forms the largest system in the body as it is the system that touches all the other systems.”
James L. Oschman, PhD

Have a look below where fascia is located:

Muscle Anatomy | What is Fascia | moveOn 89
Image Credit: Deep Recovery
Keep in mind that fascia isn’t simply one big element, the connective tissue can be broken up into different types.

Types of Fascia

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, there are different types of fascia.

Superficial Fascia

Superficial fascia is located directly under your skin. Mostly constructed of collagen, reticular and elastic fibres, it divides the hypodermis into three different layers—superficial adipose tissue, true superficial fascia, and deep adipose tissue (fat).


Superficial fascia is thicker in your torso than in your limbs.
Superficial fascia layers can include muscle fibres at times which create different structures in your body—including the platysma muscle (in your neck).
Superficial fascia has a sub-type in the body’s abdomen called Scarpa’s fascia.

Superficial fascia provides a soft passageway for blood, nerve, and lymph vessels. When restricted or compressed, the vessels are also restricted and compressed.

This type of fascia can trap fatty tissue underneath your skin, causing the well-known, unwanted appearance of cellulite.

Deep Fascia

Lying deeper under the skin than superficial fascia, deep fascia wraps your muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels in a thicker, grey-coloured membrane. It also contains a high collection of elastic fibres, which gives the layer its flexibility.

The layer is abundant with sensory receptors (specialised cells that can detect and respond to chemical stimuli like movement), which is why those deep-tissue massages hurt but feel great.

Why it’s so Great
Deep fascia is amazing as it helps protect your muscles and other softer tissue structure located in your body. The connective tissue is also a barrier when you have an infection that has worked its way through your skin and superficial fascia layer.


Is more rich in hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) than other subtypes
Highly vascularised
Contains well developed lymphatic channels

Visceral Fascia

Last but not least, let’s talk about visceral fascia. This is the deepest layer, and covers all your body’s organs. Every organ has its own type of visceral fascia surrounding it.

Brain – Known as meninges
Heart – Known as pericardia/pericardium
Lungs – Known as pleurae/pleura
Abdomen – Known as peritoneum

Main Function
The main function of visceral fascia is to allow your organs to suspend within their cavities.

Functions of Fascia

Fascia has a few functions for the body:
It provides structural support
Protects organs
Protects muscles
Helps reduce friction
Communicates pain signals

Benefits of Healthy Fascia

Healthy connective tissue can help you:
Reduce stretch mark appearance
Reduce cellulite appearance
Break down scar tissue
Reduce risk of injury
Reduce pain
Improve your body’s symmetry
Increase blood flow
Enhance your performance in physical activities

What Causes Unhealthy Fascia

When you’re moving, your body’s fibers are supposed to easily glide over one another without problems. However, when your body sustains an injury or performs repetitive actions such as running or sustained positions like sitting or even “good” but repetitive movements like yoga poses, some areas of tissue can become inflamed. This causes the inflamed tissue to tug on your fascial network. Think of it like knitting, when you pull on one wool string, it can cause other sections to pull as well. Because of this, the fascial sheaths cannot glide as easily, becoming wound up like a ball of string. This can lead to restrictions and pain when moving your body.

Some elements that cause unhealthy fascia are:
Sitting a lot (sedentary lifestyle)
Poor posture
Unhealthy eating habits
Poor sleep
Muscle injuries

How Can You Treat Fascia?

It can take some time to ensure your fascia is healthy again, but relief when treating fascia is instant.

Below are a few methods you can implement in your daily, weekly, or monthly routine to start working on the health of your fascia.

1. Stretch

Stretching is not just about creating flexibility or to relieve muscle soreness for the next day. When stretching your muscles, it can help release tension and restrictions in your fascial network.

Incorporate stretches (not just after your workout) every day. When we’re not moving for long periods (sleeping for example), the fascia in our body becomes sticky. That’s why you often feel stiff in the morning when you wake up.

Have a look at your dog (or cat) and see how they stretch after waking up. Notice how they are stretching but also tensing their muscles while doing so? Also take note when you’re yawning, notice how good it feels? Not only are you stretching the muscles in your jaw, but also the fascia.

One form of stretching is the traditional static stretch which you hold for about 30 seconds. This is fine to do but ensure you take it slow to prevent pain and injury. A more beneficial way of stretching for muscles and especially for fascia is an active stretch where the joint is flexed and extended with the breath and the opposing muscle is contracted in order to allow a deeper release in the muscle being stretched. An example of this would be bending and extending the knee whilst contracting the quad (thigh) muscle on each extension of the knee.

2. Foam Rolling

Foam rolling, when done correctly, is a great method to release tension wherever fascia is tight. With this method, when you find a tight spot, you can roll over the location a few times and also hold it there for a few seconds.

Remember to be gentle and take it slow, especially if you’re new to foam rolling.

3. Cold Therapy

After a good workout, cold therapy is a great method to treat fascia.

You can apply an ice pack (wrapped in fabric) to areas of your body to help reduce inflammation; thus helping reduce swelling and pain.

Avoid applying the frozen item directly on your skin and also take breaks after 15 minutes and only ice about 3 times a day. Doing so will prevent skin, as well as tissue or nerve damage.

4. Mobility

Incorporating mobility exercises works on your body’s fascia and will help your body move better over time. It helps with flexibility, agility, and strength. Pilates combined with functional movements is excellent for this.

5. Yoga & Pilates

Yoga - Understanding Fascia | moveOn 89

While it can improve your flexibility, balance, and strength, it can also help treat fascia.

Implementing self-myofascial release with your daily yoga asanas will ensure your yoga practice is highly improved.

You can start with your feet. As we use our feet everyday with almost everything, it’s important to take care of the connective tissue (plantar fascia) located on the underside of your feet. This type of fascia absorbs the impact of the steps you take and helps distribute your weight when you’re standing upright.

Plantar Fascia
Plantar fascia connects to your Achilles tendons, as well as your calf muscles, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and skull. Working on these areas of fascia will also address aches in your upper body. A great way to release this area is by rolling the foot out on a tennis ball and for a deeper release on a lacrosse or golf ball.

So the top areas to work on fascia is:
Your feet
Your legs
Your hips – as they can become compressed and tight from sitting all day.

6. Stay Hydrated

Our bodies need to be hydrated to ensure our organs perform their needed functions. It’s crucial to keep hydrated to ensure your fascia also does it’s job properly!

Healthy fascia has a gel-like consistency so when it’s properly hydrated, it works and feels better.

Ensure you replace lost fluids after each and every workout.

7. Massage and Physiotherapy

Have you ever wondered why that full body massage made you feel refreshed and energised? Apart from helping release tension from your muscles, a good massage helps release stress built-up in your fascia.

Many physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists incorporate fascial therapies such as myofascial release massages, fascial unwinding, Rolfing, and other effective methods.

Need help smoothing out your fascia and keeping it healthy?
We offer Pilates and yoga classes, as well as full-body massages. Start taking action to ensure you have your healthiest body and mind. Get in touch to make your booking.

Importance of Warming Up and Cooling Down When You Workout

Importance of warming up and cooling down when you workout | moveOn 89

Importance of Warming Up and Cooling Down when You Workout

By Dominic Pereira

We know getting the motivation to actually get your workout in for the day is already tough on its own without adding in a warm-up and cool-down routine as well. Performing these routines is more than just preventing your risk of injury and improving performance.

Let’s explore the importance of including these routines pre and post workout:

Importance and Benefits of Warming Up

Often overlooked or skipped to save time, warming up before any workout is beneficial in any training program and has numerous benefits such as:

Improved Performance — When you’re exercising, blood flow to your muscles increases by about 70% to 75% and ensures the capillaries (blood vessels) open up. With more blood flow there’s an increase in your muscle temperature. This allows more oxygen to be released allowing you to perform even better in your workouts.

Improved Blood Flow — As mentioned above, improved blood flow after warming up for about ten minutes opens up the blood capillaries. With dilated blood vessels, the increased blood flow helps put less stress on your heart.

Improved Oxygen — While exercising, your muscles need more oxygen so warming up properly will allow oxygen to be released more readily from your blood.

Increased Muscle Contraction — A warm-up helps raise your body’s temperature which improves your muscle metabolism and nerve transmission. As a result, your muscles will perform better.

Preventing Injury — Because warm muscles contract and release more efficiently, it’ll reduce the risk of injury (think overstretching a cold muscle).

Preparing Your Mind — A warm-up can help you focus on the activity at hand, how your body moves and feels which will help you improve your skill and technique.

Hormonal Changes — During a warm-up, your body increases the production of hormones like cortisol and epinephrine which regulates your body’s energy production.

Should You Warm up Before Yoga?

Funny enough, you’d think you don’t need to warm up before yoga since you’ll be stretching, right? Well, it depends. “Do I warm-up before yoga or is it the yoga routine that warms me up?” It’s sort of equivalent to the chicken and egg theory.

If you’re practising yoga on your own, it will differ to joining a yoga class. Since the instructor controls the environment and the yoga practice, and since not all yogis’ bodies are the same, they’ll incorporate an appropriate warm-up routine.

A popular warm-up incorporated into classes is Sun Salutations.

In the end, you are the only one who knows your body best, how it feels and what it can handle, so if you feel like you need to add an extra warm-up, then you go for it. The idea is to be kind, go slow, and listen to your body.

Other factors to consider if you should warm-up before yoga includes:

What type of yoga you are practising. For static yoga poses like Restorative, warming up isn’t crucial. On the other hand, yoga styles like Vinyasa Flow require a bit more muscular effort, so a proper warm-up is needed to prepare your body for the movements.

The type of environment and if it’s warm. A warm environment will have a big impact on your body’s temperature. Although not really the eco-friendly option, your body won’t need to create its own heat. In a colder climate, you’ll have to warm up to generate heat for your body.

How your body feels. As we know, people’s bodies differ where some are naturally warmer than others. So if your body is a bit on the colder side, an effective, quick warm-up will do the trick to get you ready for your asanas.

Different Types of Warm-ups

Dynamic Warm-up
Doing some mobility movements and dynamic stretching where you stretch through a range of motion is an effective way to warm up your muscles for your workout.

Instead of simply holding a stretch (static stretching), warm up your muscles with dynamic stretching. It will improve your flexibility and increase your range-of-motion in various parts of your body.

Some great examples of dynamic stretching include:

  • Arm swings
  • Shoulder rotations
  • Leg swings
  • Lunges
  • Body-weight squats

Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is another great method of warming up and has gained a lot of popularity over the years in the fitness community.

Foam rolling makes use of a piece of hard foam to help stretch tight tendons and releases fascia (connective tissue). It helps break up scar tissue which helps increase blood flow to the problem areas.

Although it’s not a comfortable method, there are various types of rollers, some smooth and others have hard ridges or nobs. It’s an effective method to warm up your quads, buttocks, calves, adductors, and hamstrings. It’s also possible to roll your upper body.

Importance and Benefits of Cooling Down

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of properly warming up your body, it’s time to look at why cooling down is just as crucial.

Faster Recovery — After an intense workout, lactic acid builds up in your muscles and your body takes time to clear it out. When you’re cooling down, you’re helping your body release lactic acid which helps speed up your body’s recovery period.

Reduce DOMS — DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness can prevent you from exercising in the future. Cooling down after your workout session can help alleviate excessive soreness, allowing you to bounce back in time for your next workout.

Types of Cool Downs

Static Stretching
Static stretching is a popular cooldown method after a vigorous workout. This method also helps increase your flexibility which will result in better performance and decreased risk of injuring yourself in the future.

Try holding each stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds. The stretch should be strong but not painful. Although stretching can help prevent injury while working out, you can still hurt yourself if you’re not gentle or pushing your body too hard.

Walking for about five to ten minutes after your workout will help your heart slow down, helping you cool down after your intense workout.

An efficient warm-up and cool-down routine are just as important for your health as getting your workout in. Preparing your body for an intense workout and allowing it to cool off again will ensure your performance increases to allow your body to get healthier and stronger. It also prepares you mentally for your workout and allows you afterwards to enjoy the benefits of your session and to have a “well done!” moment.

If you’re looking for a relaxing yoga class where you’re enjoying a mindful flow or you want an intense workout to get your heart rate up, get in touch. From yoga, HIIT, and Pilates to wellness and beauty, let us help you reach your goals.

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